Jesper Alm
Jesper Alm, born in southern Sweden, started singing from a young age. Started playing the flute at the age of 10, soon delved deeper in to world of music, with music theory and piano studies. Was accepted to the prestigious music school, Lilla Akademien in Stockholm at the age 15. Moved from home ready to explore his love for music, earning Selma Music’s scholarship for promising young musicians. Attend to masterclasses with Göran Marcusson and Gitte Marcusson, which in turn led him to Vänersborg where he continued study under their tutelage. While also working taking taking on students of his own.
As a keen musician, Jesper taken freelanced gigs around Sweden. Recorded a couple of cd’s, been active in different orchestras and ensembles through out the years. His work in orchestras have brought him around Europe and to play infront of several royalties, and played in Swedish radio and television.
2014 Jesper moved to England, combining music with more hands on craftsmanship. Jesper started his pursuit of a carrier as a woodwind maker and repairer. Getting experience repairing the whole woodwind family, designing and making his own tools and make his own flute. 2017 Jesper graduated as one out of six on a course with applicants from the entire world.
With seven years of experience as professional musician, Jesper have a powerful tool helping him as an artisan in his repairs, along with his meticulous attention to details.